
report by Justin Nygren

You see, I’ve heard it said that third projects have this “thing” about them. Sometimes artists choose to rest on their proverbial laurels based on the success of their first two projects. They bask in the fame. They enjoy the spotlight and the buzz around their name. So, they slack. They relax on their creativity. They take it for granted that people enjoy what they do. In short, they get proud. They begin to think the whole thing really is about them.

On the other hand, some third projects seem to do something unique. They cause the artist to reach outside of themselves for inspiration, to fuse pieces of the puzzles from deep within and bring forth something into creation that the world has never seen. They move past the buzz, past external expectations and into the realm of…


When we set out to establish the Live Events of Art Love Magic, we intentionally integrated the value of giving new artists a place to begin their career as professional artists. It has been an honor to give the floor to multiple new artists in our shows. REACH saw Rebecca Brooks and Sarah Gilmore. FUSION saw Kevin Steele, (Chelsea) Blessings and The Elder Statesmen (featuring my wife, Kelly on the mic)… This show saw the likes of Amanda Davis, Dee Hill, and Dale Norvell bring their talents to a public audience for their first time and all of them did an incredible job. However, my greatest pride in AWAKEN was seeing Sherry Smith and her photography in the gallery. Sherry and I go back a long way and our journeys have definitely seen harder days. But thankfully, by some Great Grace, our paths have gotten a little cleaner and our lives are making enough sense that our art and our gifts are beginning to shine through. It was great to see a sister shine. Brightly.

I feel like Mike, Dave and I refused to rest on the laurels this time around. We stretched ourselves, put ourselves into new roles and I think we came up with a beautiful recipe that brought forth an awesome soufflé of artistic goodness.

Where can we go from here? Well, we’ve got a few projects boiling in the pot that will take us through the end of the year. Part of Art Love Magic’s DNA is trying to do some good in the world outside of ourselves. As part of that heartbeat, we’re working on a benefit event for a friend’s 3 year-old daughter who recently had a liver transplant. If you’d like to make a difference, come on out and bid on some pieces. You’ll know that you are changing the world of a family in need. Also, Southside on Lamar, who has graciously hosted all three of our events this year, has asked us to design some major parts of the Urban Arts Festival in September. We’ll keep you posted on the dates and the details. And then, after those gigs we might just take a break until New Years. Who knows, we might just need that time to prepare for something on December 31st. (Insert maniacal laughter here.)

Finally, AWAKEN opened our eyes (pun intended) to the fact that we need masses. We need masses of people to help us spread the word. We need masses of hands to help build this movement, one moment at a time. We’re going to shamelessly ask for your help and the help of your networks. We know that we’re doing a good thing and good things need people to make them happen. We’ll be keeping you posted on how you can join us in the Love Revolution.

Dreamers, keep your eyes open. Reach out, fuse and awaken the masses. Bring the art, spread the love and make the magic.

Justin Nygren
Live Event Producer


report by Michael Lagocki
Art Love Magic’s first live event, REACH, was more than I could imagine. It was inspiring, it was artful, it touched people. There is something absolutely magical that happens when positive people express themselves, together, in a wide range of art forms. Painting, music, poetry, jewelry crafting, comics and photography were all part of it. We brought it together and we brought it out of each other and it was alive with passion.

 55 days into Art Love Magic’s existence as a real company (and not just my website), our first live event, drew well over 300 people, and made a profit. Not a big profit mind you, but we’re going to figure that one out. It was a great start. True beauty. Thanks be to God, we filmed it. I may try to make that available sometime. But here’s some highlights:

A half dozen visual artists creating and selling original works.
Some really amazing art was on display and plenty was created at the show. When you see it all together, held up high like that, respected, it’s beautiful. I believe the overall quality of the gallery (Jeanette Kennedy) really led us to put something special into the setups. Rebecca Brooks’ art literally “reached” out into the space, as did several of David Rodriguez’s 8ft tall paintings.J. O’Barr showed a body of work that few of his fans get to see. Everyone sees The Crow stuff regularly, but James brought a large selection of personal paintings that he wouldn’t normally take to the comic shows he does. I’m also well aware that he lent us his celebrity for the show. A lot of the people who attended came because they are deeply passionate about his work.                
       Pegasus and Word Became Flesh, two 8 foot tall
              paintings by David Rodriguez were both shown.

The music of the soul
I’m a cartoonist. What do I know about live music and poetry? Thankfully, I involved Justin Nygren (of the Tribe and Blue Door shows) to put the pieces together. He assembled a live show that brought the house down. People were enthralled. His plan was to rotate the acts quickly and mix in poetry and live jamming. The rapid pace felt dynamic, agile, and alive. If you weren’t feeling the stage, you could walk around, watch people make art for 10 minutes, and by the time you came back something completely different was happening. The bands Faint Image and Many Days Waiting have that kind of free flow feel anyway. People just came up and jammed with them all night.

The language of the soul
Legions of Will Richey fans showed up (many of  ’em under 3ft tall). Will teaches for a living. He teaches children to do spoken word poetry. Now that I’ve seen it live, I understand how much he’s empowering them. A child – creating art out of their words and thoughts – and then reading those words live, with soulful expression – to an enthusiastic audience. That is holy work if there ever was such. And there was, and it is.

Look below. I even did a poem, for the first time in my life. I was so nervous I had to pull my hat over my eyes so as not to look at the audience. I performed a poem I wrote titled “The Spoken Word”.
‘Lil G liked it, so there you go.

Halfway through the show, our jewelry artist, Sarah Gillmore came up to me and screamed, “Art Love Magic happened to me!!!” She was referring to the moment she found herself doing what she loves to do (making jewelry), surrounded by the people she loves (her boy James was there, as well as her momma and many good friends), listening to great live music, and selling her work to a receptive audience. 
Yeah, that is Art Love Magic.

What’s next?
Halfway through the show, the gallery told us they’d like us to return. We will be back at Jeanette Kennedy on April 28th, with a completely new show with completely new performers. I have 2-3 other shows popping as well and we’ll do what we can to keep the info here current.If you’d like to get on the mailing list and experience this for yourself, drop me a line at mike@artlovemagic.comThings are jumping offfffff. Much much love to everyone who was there and saw it happen. I love you.

If you have any question of who we are,
  well this is who we be…
We are known on this planet mother earth
  and throughout the galaxy
You’ll recognize us by our eyes
  the  L – I – G – H – T
And when you are in our presence
   you feel  L – O – V – E.

We be the people with the love inside of we.

from the song “Love”
performed live by AP and Faint Image

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